When we speak with customers around data growth, they are invariably looking for a quick and simple way to get value out of data and mitigate risk. Because organizations know the information has value, they have been keeping everything forever. In an information-centric world, the data that organizations create and store is their greatest asset. We also depend on information in our daily jobs, but oftentimes important business-critical or valuable data is buried.
It is estimated that organizations lose over $2 million per year trying to manage the ever-growing volumes of data in their estates. There are three main challenges:
Limited visibility – knowing what is critical and what is ROT data (redundant, obsolete and trivial)
Increased potential risk of data – protecting PII data for compliance (GDPR, KVKK, POPI, etc.)
Increased storage costs – with no visibility, everything gets stored forever.
Veritas just released Information Studio 1.0, a comprehensive data management platform that helps solve all these challenges, providing clear visibility, targeted analysis and informed action on data. If you are familiar with Info Map, Info Studio is an evolution of Info Map, delivered as perpetual software licenses for installation on a customer’s own infrastructure, rather than as a SaaS application.
Here are the main 3 things to know about Info Map:
Data Visualization across a broad range of data sources, both on-premises and in the cloud Info Studio collects and visualizes data from NetBackup and over 20 other data sources, both on-premises and in the cloud. Info Studio’s dashboard provides a geographic visualization of all data, allowing authorized users to zoom into a specific location, file server, share, owner, classification tag or any combination of the available filters. Using Information Studio’s dynamic navigation, customers can identify areas of risk, areas of value and areas of waste across their environment and make decisions that reduce information risk and optimize information storage.
Helping customers achieve data privacy and regulatory compliance. With an ever-changing, complex regulatory landscape, data visibility is fundamental for compliance. Information Studio 1.0 provides visibility across the enterprise and highlights areas of risk through content classification (CIFS, OneDrive and on-premises SharePoint only in this initial release). A foundational requirement of GDPR is a data map identifying where personal data exists across the enterprise. Information Studio simplifies this process.
The Veritas Information Classification engine is integrated into Information Studio, providing powerful data categorization capabilities for CIFS, OneDrive and on-premises SharePoint. With 118 policies and over 700 patterns readily available, simplified custom policy configuration, and built-in policy validation functionality, it has never been easier to classify data, organize it and increase the confidence to take action.
If you are interested to hear more, please reach out to Virtech and we will be happy to assist.
For more information, refer to the following resources.