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Data explosion + Sprawl + Stringent regulations = CHAOS

5.1 ZB
Electronically stored information is not just growing, it is increasing exponentially. In fact, the world’s electronically stored data is doubling every two years.

Today, 80% of data is unstructured (Word docs, Excel spreadsheets, etc.). Compounding the problem is sprawl –data stored in a variety of disparate ESI silos. To make it even worse, approximately 70 percent of data is duplicate and hasn't been accessed in over 90 days.

The costs of storing, protecting, managing and discovering electronic information has also grown dramatically. Controlling this data represents one of the best returns on investment for most organisations.
Virtech is singularly focused on Information Governance and Data Protection. Our unique approach is simple: if it is worth keeping, protect it and ensure you are able to find it. If it is not worth keeping, get rid of it. We are on a mission to help our clients achieve end-to-end data governance, a journey that includes Archiving, Data Protection, eDiscovery and Advisory Services. The end result is an information management framework that helps you address the risk, reduce the cost and improve overall information management practices.
Mitigate risk. Reduce cost. Better information management.
End-To-End Information Governance

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